Successfully managing virtual multicultural teams

- This seminar provides an understanding of how virtual teams work and that this changes over time.
- Over these two days the three processes which coexist in a virtual team will be introduced, analysed and simulated; the planning process, the action process and the interpersonal and communication process.
- Virtual teams produce results in much shorter timeframes, create relationships between culturally different members and increase and capitalise knowledge.

For whom

- General managers
- HR managers
- International project managers


- Increased efficiency of virtual teams through mastery of the best use of management and communication tools and through adapted internal “branding”.
- Rapid understanding of the positive impact of virtual teams in relation to “face-to-face” teams but also how to avoid restraints and even obstacles caused by the fear of losing one’s job and distance learning of the common language of communication and about cultural differences.


1-Positive impact of a virtual team
- How do virtual teams differ from or resemble so-called “face-to-face” teams
- Distance working and managing
- Challenges and opportunities related to virtual work

2-Creating and developing dynamics
- Outlining the vision and the objectives
- Establishing a team plan for common conscience and the rules of working
- The three components of confidence: merit, commitment and meticulousness
- Creating an integrated technological network

3-Becoming a good project manager
- Basic skills: “time”, “presence”, “distance" and "organisation"
- Managing all colleagues on an equal footing
- Integrating the cultural differences of each colleague
- Motivating colleagues

4-Virtual team operational tools
- Prevalence of management by objectives
- Definition of individual roles in projects
- Evaluation of colleagues’ tasks (important and urgent)
- Evaluation of skills and expected results
- Knowledge management
- Remote conflict resolution

5-Sharing information and efficiently communicating remotely
- Communication process in virtual teams
- The place of affect and the cognitive in remote communication
- Choice and optimisation of the technologies used

6-Simulation of virtual teams
- Telephone conference
- Email exchanged
- Traps involved in the use of English


Led by the best international experts. Our trainers and coaches, of various nationalities and with various skills, have all acquired “field” experience in large multinational groups at high hierarchical levels. Their expertise and enthusiasm guarantee the quality of our seminars and enable them to pertinently respond to the demands of our international clientele.


- The SAM International seminars are custom designed according to the needs and objectives of the participants.
- The above programme represents the framework of a typical seminar which is then adapted according to the client’s specific requirements.
- The frequently requested working languages are French, English, German, Polish, Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese or another language on request.
- The seminars take place on the client’s premises or in a carefully chosen place to aid innovation and relaxation.